970.368.3203 Office

Quality Affordable Prefab Homes
We are a licensed Prefab Modular and Manufactured Home Seller serving the entire State of Colorado and surrounding states.
We are a licensed Prefab Modular and Manufactured Home Seller serving the entire State of Colorado and surrounding states.
Trailhead Homes is a PRIVATE modular and manufacturer home licensed seller that works directly with real estate professionals and investors located in Colorado.
If interested in purchasing a manufactured or modular home for your investment project we are the perfect company for you to reach out to.
We do help homebuyers directly but need to review each project individually to figure out if we are a great fit for each other.
Technology in the recent years has improved the manufactured home construction process just the same as it has throughout different industries.
Contact us so you can learn how you can save money building your home.
We will customize your house plans to be built specifically how you are wanting. (Within reason...)
These homes are also built specifically to your local IRC Code like a traditional stick built home.
Are you looking for a brand new modern single wide for your lot.
Look no further, we can modify or customize almost any style you want to fit your needs for the best price available.
Our company and this website is dedicated to providing prospective homebuyers resourceful information that are interested in purchasing either a modular or manufactured home that will help prepare them for the process.
Whether you are interested in learning more or have already made the decision to move forward with building your prefab home hopefully you will find some of the information on here valuable.
If you want more information regarding me professionally click on the About Us tab. Hope you find this website informative!
If you want to be informed when premium homes in our inventory are available sign up to be on our contact list for wholesale pricing. We do not provide our specials to the public...
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